Linguistics makes us better teachers?
The limits of my language mean the
limits of my world. Ludwig Wittgenstein (1922)
is not a simple task. This process requires taking into account the way how
students learn and their possible cognitive problems in order to find the
best method to work with them and made their learning a success. Applying linguistics
as the science that studies problems related to language can be the
clue for finding the manner of solving the different inconveniences that appear during the development of the teaching profession.
linguistics can offer the solution of problems related to language, especially
when we as teachers face real problematic situations in a language class. There
is a wide range of linguistic problems but I want to mention two of them: The
difficulties that some students have for learning English and, the difficulties
of students with cognitive problems.
First, let us consider
the difficulties of learning English. From my point of view,
this is the most common problem of students, especially in the
public sector where students do not want to learn a new language because they
do not see the necessity to learn it. It is here, where a good teacher can take
advantages of social aspects in order to motivate them using aspects like
cultural environment to make their process of learning something meaningful.
For example: In a countryside school, the knowledge of the land and the farm
animals can be a good topic for making projects in which students show their
knowledge and, at the same time, can learn from something that is important
for them. The most important thing is to take advantage of the student’s
previous knowledge for getting good results in their performance, since students have to use the problem-solving method for learning by doing, in this
way learning is significant and relevant. (Jerome Bruner 1984)
cognitive problems. Some students have difficulties in their process of
learning; sometimes those problems are not easy to notice, especially for simple
teachers like us who only have academic formation. In spite of this, teachers
develop a kind of connection with their students that allows us to realize
these difficulties so that we can try to look for the best way of teaching them.
have to do their best for students to get the information necessary for acquiring new knowledge. Unfortunately, the National education system does not offer us enough preparation for facing this kind of difficulty. A good example of
this is the famous “Inclusion program” ( programa de inclusión) that pretends to
give the same educational opportunities to students with disabilities. This is
good. But, this kind of population needs special attention with special
professionals who know how to work with them. Teachers have good disposition
for helping our students but, our knowledge is empiric. Is in this moment when
we have to be wise enough to look for help thinking in the well-being of
the students and guaranteeing a good education for these special human beings.

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