By Andres Felipe Colorado

All the learners are over the formal operational stage according to Piaget (1983) it begins when adolescents are twelve to adulthood, the cognitive structure becomes abstract and logically organized, and that is why they use complex structures of the language. This theory supports the biological development of the human being. Also Krashen (1983) states that after the critical period there are various difficulties for the acquisition of a second language in terms of achieving native fluency, similar to that younger learners display. However, there are probable exceptions.
Gardner & Lambert
(1972) distinguishes two kinds of motivation for learning a language “Instrumental and integral motivation”. The instrument focuses on a need for the learner to get a job, a scholarship, or to obtain a certification to graduate. Some of these cases are seen at many organizations, universities and community colleges where someone who had never wanted to study a foreign language, suddenly begins to be motivated to learn it because the situation changed their brain in the way of perceiving the importance of this process.
Integral motivation happens when the learners want to acquire the foreign language because they want to be at the same English level of other well educated people in their culture and social contexts. This aspect of motivation is very important for my method because it provides the tools to convince the learners and other instructors to use my approach.
Following the modality of blended learning of the characteristics of the courses I teach, the ICT tendency and the use of Web 2.0 tools on teaching show that blogging, the specialized software, and the audiovisual material could be a way to improve their skills.
There are a lot of Web 2.0 tools that are being used for ESL teachers, such as Penzu, Voxopop, Listen-and-Write, Dvolver Moviemaker, 280 slides, Eyeplorer, Wordle, TokBox, Forvo, ESL video, and Wallwisher. At the same time, research on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and the use of technology in the classroom [telecollaboration, online discussion forums or 3-D virtual worlds (VWs)] are taking into account for more foreign language teachers and learners. Some free blogging sites are the following: Blogger, Word Press, Live Journal,, Tumbler, Blogsome, Open Diary, Blogetery, Blogster, and
About the proofreading software, it is a checking engine to power spelling and grammar which are developed and maintained by professional linguistics. There are various freeware tools such as Grammarly, Intelligent Editing, Spell checker, Grammar Check and Paper Rater.
Through the application of this approach, there are other advantages where the learners can develop
their four skills because it is assigned through the blog to watch 30
minutes the CNN channel on a specific time to be exposed to real
language which generate a discussion according to the topic mentioned. Also they have to acquire by heart an assigned English song each week to do a set of exercises based on such a song. For the application of this approach, it requires a particular time in class in order to work on specific assignments within a website that I would create for my Learners and I would implement with specialized proofreading software, the CCN and songs. Besides, support material must be provided to including interactive demos in flash, video tutorials and handbooks to carry out the assignments normall
Then, it is possible to analyze how the learners would cope with the blogging tool, the proofreading software, and the CNN and song activities in order to see if such approach would change or innovate the learning process or would bring more ideas for future research.
To read more, please visit
Piaget, J. (1983). Piaget's theory. In P. Mussen (ed). Handbook of Child Psychology. 4th edition. Vol. 1. New York: Wiley.
Krashen, S.D. (1981). Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. University of Southern California.
Gardner, R. C., & Lambert, W. E. (1972). Attitudes and motivation in second language learning. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Wallace, M. (1998). Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sherman, R. A. (2006). Blogs as Useful Tools.
The Everything Blogging Book. Publish your ideas, get feedback and
create your own worldwide Network. Cincinnati: Adams Media.
Wright, P. H. (2011). Blog Layout and Design. Creative Blogging. Your First Steps to a Successful Blog. New York: Apress.
Houghton, R. (2012). Blogging Tools and Technology. Blogging for Creatives. Cincinnati: How Books.
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